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Small Auditorium
1h45 + 45 min. talk
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Dates / Schedules

February 28th, 29th + March 1st – 10:30 am – Schools

March 2nd + 3rd – 4:00 pm – Families

Chests and archives opened in the year of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April, the «initial, whole and clean day.» In this Mini Museum we found a set of stories of common people that were not recorded in history manuals as they are taught in schools. Small objects, family photographs, an old book from a personal library, a newspaper clipping kept between the pages of a diary – witnesses to other possible ways of remembering and telling these stories. A chronological journey through the history of the 20th century in Portugal that begins with the discovery of a box full of pamphlets and evidence of a set of utopias that have now fallen into disuse. For this new version of 2024, Dúnia Semedo shares the memory laboratory with Joana Craveiro, digging deeper into pieces of Portuguese colonial history and memories of Cape Verde and its liberation struggle.

Session on February 29th with interpretation in Portuguese Sign Language.




+12 years

Data sheet

Conception, text, scenic space and direction Joana Craveiro

Performance Dúnia Semedo, Joana Craveiro

Creative collaboration Estêvão Antunes, Francisco Madureira, Tânia Guerreiro – e Rosinda Costa (in the 2017 version)

Light design João Cachulo

Sound operation To be announced

Production direction Alaíde Costa

Production assistance Rita Conde

Co-production Centro Cultural de Belém/Fábrica das Artes, Teatro do Vestido

A Mini Living Museum was originally created at the invitation of CCB/Fábrica das Artes, in 2017, as part of the Memories of Political Intention cycle.

Teatro do Vestido has the support of República Portuguesa – Cultura | DGARTES, for the 2023-2024 biennium.

Centro Cultural de Belém/Fábrica das Artes, Teatro do Vestido

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