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Architecture Centre / Garagem Sul
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Dates / Schedules

19 March to 4 September 2022 Saturdays and Sundays

On the occasion of the exhibitions Sound It. Rádio Antecâmara and The Young New we propose a cycle of visits to the exhibitions and to the city by professionals from several areas that will allow us to explore from different points of view the paradigms that the exhibitions put into discussion. Visits are free and take place on Saturday or on the first Sunday of the month at Garagem Sul or in a location in the city.

19 March / 3pm
Visit to the exhibition Sound It. Rádio Antecâmara led by Alessia Allegri and Pedro Campos Costa, curators

3 April / 4pm
Visit 1st sunday of the month (free admission day at Garagem Sul)

9 April / 4pm
Visit to the city: Apropriate Distances – The hill from Penha de França to Almirante Reis led by Rita Aguiar Rodrigues, architect

1 May / 4pm
Visit 1st sunday of the month (free admission day at Garagem Sul)

22 May / 4pm
Visit to the exhibition The New Young led by
Diogo Aguiar, architect

5 June / 4pm
Visit 1st sunday of the month (free admission day at Garagem Sul)

26 June / 4pm
Visit to the city: Places of silence in Lisbon led by Luís Ferro, architect

3 Julho / 4pm
Visit 1st sunday of the month (free admission day at Garagem Sul)

16  July / 4pm
Visit to the exhibitions led by Maria Rita Pais, architect

7 August / 4pm
Visit 1st sunday of the month (free admission day at Garagem Sul)

3 September / 4pm
Visit to the exhibitions led by André Tavares, architect

4 September / 4pm
Visit to the exhibition
Sound It. Rádio Antecâmara led by João Galante, performer artist


garagemsul@ccb.pt or 213 612 614/5

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