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Architecture Centre / Garagem Sul
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Dates / Schedules

15 March to 4 September 2022

Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 6pm

9 July to 4 September 2022 10am to 7pm

Architects imagine things that don’t exist. This exhibition shows the paths of this invention, needed new ideas and, also, the will of a new generation to build better. It presents five architecture studios — rar.studio, fala, Diogo Aguiar Studio, Ponto Atelier, Barão-Hutter — working in Lisbon, Porto, Funchal and St. Gallen. They show us a quality and variety of proposals to transform the places we inhabit. Above all, they construct a portrait of today’s concerns, objectives and work processes – naturally different from the other architects and architecture that preceded our time.

The new architects have different concerns, ambitions and modus operandis from previous generations and, as this exhibition seeks to demonstrate, they respond more acutely to the new challenges of the present and the future. Maybe for that reason, The Young New are not being presented in the form of a manifesto, but as a set of fragments and ideas that echo each other whilst indicating divergent paths. Each studio brought a completed work and a project yet to be built, capable of explaining what we have to gain by entrusting more responsibility to a new generation of architects. The Young New don’t cross their arms before this pressure and, as their body of work grows, they show both the vitality of the discipline as a form of knowledge, and how much better our future could be.

Curatorship André Tavares

Corporate Support

Fundação Millennium bcp

CCB/Garagem Sul Partners

Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa
Livraria A+A
Ordem dos Arquitetos
Lisbon Architecture Triennale



213 612 614/5


Centro Cultural de Belém / Garagem Sul

Prices and Discounts


50% students
50% members of Portuguese Association of Architects
50% over 65 years old


Free Entry
Cartão CCB
Under 18 years old
Assistants for people with disabilities

Free entry on the 1st Sunday of every month to all visitors

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