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23 March 2024 09:00

Other Music

British experimental singer-songwriter Tirzah returns to Portugal to present her latest album, trip9love…??? (2023), produced by Mica Levi, with whom she has collaborated since the beginning of her career.

The new album was written and produced in Tirzah and Mica Levi’s homes and in various studios in London.

After several recording sessions over the course of about a year, eventually the music of trip9love…?  eventually acquired a sound that both Tirzah and Mica Levi wanted to explore. The songs were constructed using piano loops over beats, adding distortion and then romantic vocal lines. The poems centre on love, both real and imagined. The world in which the disc finds space is a wandering fantasy zone of a nighclub.

trip9love…??? has been described by Resident Advisor as “easily one of the greatest achievements in Tirzah’s small but impressive catalogue.”

This new album follows Colourgrade (2021) and Devotion (2018).

⇒ This concert is part of the Belém Soundcheck Festival.

DJs Soundcheck

At the end of each day of Belém Soundcheck, the foyer of the Grand Auditorium turns into a dance floor, where some of today’s most renowned DJs and producers will perform.
The entrance is free and the venue includes a food and beverage area.


  • March 21 | Thursday – 23:00 to 01:00 
  • March 22 | Friday  – 23:00 to 01:00 
    Pedro Ricardo
  • March 23 | Saturday – 22:00 to 01:00
  • March 24 | Sunday – 19:00 to 23:00
    Sama Yax + Luísa


+ 6 years

Data sheet

imagem Tirzah (c) Lw – Studio

by Centro Cultural de Belém and Égide – Associação Portuguesa das Artes

Prices and Discounts

Note: -


15% discount the purchase of 3 tickets (or more) for the different show
50 % discount for the people with specific needs and accompanying person


Institucional partners

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