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Fernando Pessoa Room
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January 13th 9:30am to 6pm Fernando Pessoa Room

As part of a study on the work that Portuguese women architects did in Africa during the colonial period, we are organising a meeting on the recognition of women in architectural culture. We have invited Mary McLeod, professor of architecture at Columbia University, to discuss the relationship between gender studies and architecture.

The meeting will also include presentations on the history of women architects in Portugal; the difficulties posed by oral history and archival research as a working methodology; experiences in non-Portuguese contexts; and the contribution of some protagonists. The production of housing by these women up until the end of colonisation will be discussed, considering that they found opportunities in Africa that were not available to them in their country of origin.

This meeting is being held as part of a research project funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the title “WomArchStruggle – Women Architects in Former Portuguese Colonial Africa: Gender and the Struggle for Professional Recognition (1953-1985)” and developed at ISCTE’s Dinâmia’CET research centre.

Curated by Ana Vaz Milheiro and Leonor Matos Silva.
Organized by Dinâmia’CET-ISCTE.


More Info

Form to register at the seminar “Gender struggles in architecture, colonialism and housing”

Free admission - January 13th, 2024, from 9:30am to 6pm

Register here

Data sheet


Antonieta Jacinto no Bairro de Pescadores, Cacuaco, Angola, 1959 © Família Silva Dias.

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