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Dates / Schedules

March 16th, 23rd & 30th 20201 06:00pm

April 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th 2021 06:00pm

May 4th 2021 06:00pm


What is the path followed by books from the moment they leave the hands of those who write them until they arrive in the hands of those who take possession of them? What transformations do the words pass through, first formed in the mind and fingers of their writer and then crossing over unaccustomed distances, until they are finally received and absorbed by those who read them? What force, what passions and what impulses unite the writer to the reader(s)? What is lost and what is gained in the course of this eventful journey?

This game of complicities that is (or is not) created between strangers (the writer and the reader) is one of the mysteries of civilisation, in all of its most community-based, gregarious and intellectual aspects. To discuss this circuitous route and discover its hidden depths, Helena Vasconcelos talks with two male and two female writers, in conversations that can be watched online, on the RTP Palco platform.

At the end of each interview, a suggestion will be made for reading, and, a week later, there will be another online session, via Zoom, open to members of the public wishing to discuss, analyse and express their opinions about the recommended book.



16 March – António Mega Ferreira | RTP Palco

Creation, seduction, travel and imagination are all subjects discussed in a conversation with António Mega Ferreira. His encyclopaedic knowledge, his infinite curiosity and his unmistakable and enthusiastic way of communicating, make him the ideal guest for these conversations about the reading experience and its profound links with our existence.


23 March – Public session | via Zoom

Public session about the book Cartas de Casanova, by António Mega Ferreira.


Zoom access
ID meeting:
852 8585 3177

30 March – Ana Margarida de Carvalho | RTP Palco

A Law graduate, journalist and mother of two children, Ana Margarida de Carvalho took the world of Portuguese Literature by surprise in 2013, with her novel Que Importa a Fúria do Mar, followed by two more, Não se Pode Morar nos Olhos de um Gato, published in 2016, and O Gesto que Fazemos para Proteger a Cabeça, published in 2019. These prizewinning books have been subjected to great scrutiny because of their innovative language, delightful writing style and the surprising images and metaphors that they use. Helena Vasconcelos will talk with the author about her unusual and innovative style and her plans for the future.

Zoom access
852 8585 3177

6 April – Public session | via Zoom

Public session about the book O gesto que fazemos para proteger a cabeça, by Ana Margarida de Carvalho.

Zoom access
ID meeting:
852 8585 3177

13 April – José Luís Peixoto | RTP Palco

Born in the year of the Portuguese Revolution – 1974 – José Luís Peixoto has not stopped writing and publishing since the appearance of Morreste-me (2000), a small book that definitively transformed the panorama of Portuguese literature. With works translated into dozens of languages, he is the author of short stories, children’s books and travel literature, a poet and an excellent writer of prose, who brought to the world a certain «Portugueseness» that has now become universal. One of the so-called «heirs of Saramago», he was the first to win the literary award named after the Portuguese Nobel prize-winner. Helena Vasconcelos will talk to the author about the world of his own personal imagination, life during the pandemic lockdown and his plans for the future.

ID meeting:
852 8585 3177
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