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Private: Ribeiro da Fonte Room
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Dates / Schedules

May 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th e 31th 2021 06:30pm


It is the activity with which we busy ourselves from the very first moments when oxygen fills our lungs, and it accompanies us until the very last moments of our existence: nourishing our body. In the best way that we can, of course. Feeding ourselves is easy: we don’t have to be brilliant detectives, but it is a flavoursome investigation that it takes us a lifetime to complete. There will perhaps be no conclusions to be drawn, but along the way there will be all kinds of idiosyncrasies to be discovered. In five distinct themes that can be grouped together under gastronomy, we will find the various points of intersection between the history and anthropology of food and nutrition. Because, after all, as Ferran Adriá put it so expertly for the first time in 2013: «Food is the world’s largest social network.»


3 May – Flavour and taste, a social evolution

Guest: André Magalhães (Taberna das Flores)

Synopsis: Flavour is in the different foods that we eat and the perception that we have of them is a sensory experience that is lived through the five senses and which helps us, individually, to choose our favourite dish or recipe. Getting to know more about «our» taste is just one of the stops along the way in a journey that began at least 225 years ago (or perhaps even longer!) and which is still continuing… Let’s experience this journey and continue travelling through it for a while.

10 May – Travelling seeds and plants

Guest: Dulce Freire (Coordinator: Projeto ReSeed)

Synopsis: Why is the orange an eponym for the word Portugal in various countries and languages? Why is the pepper known as «pepper of the kingdom» in Brazil? And why are there dozens of mangoes with Portuguese names in India? Plants and seeds also travelled in the past, it is true, but some of these have been forgotten in the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal has played a central role that may prove to be very useful in the future of food and nourishment if we can discover more about what happened in the country’s agriculture between the eighteenth and the twentieth century.


17 May – Wines that have been shaped over time

Guest: João Paulo Martins (a journalist from the Expresso newspaper)

Synopsis: We consider them to be firmly established and reliable examples of universal and legendary drinks. Champagne, Madeira, Port… are some of the iconic wines that we know, but the profile that they have acquired over the centuries has not always been like this. The corpus of each of their tastes and the paths that they have followed in their development have gradually adapted to their specific markets. Those who are passionate fans of Port and champagne are far from being just Portuguese and French.



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