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Dates / Schedules

October 17th 2024 to April 6th 2025

Opening: October 16th, 7pm Free admission

Temporary exhibition Floor 0


Hestnes Ferreira — Form | Matter | Light presents a reading of the work of architect Raúl Hestnes Ferreira (1931–2018) based on his working process, dominated by charcoal drawing and architectural experimentation. In Hestnes Ferreira’s deeply disciplined method, design decisions emerge in the heavy marks of steady charcoal strokes. Pure forms and classic typologies become entangled in this way of doing things, which is consolidated in a robust architecture that explores the qualities of materials in their natural expression, without filter or artifice.

Hestnes Ferreira’s architecture achieves a sublime timelessness, whether through its formal simplicity or material expressiveness. In this context, space is the aggregating element, with the building being the foundation that gives it weight and proportion. Light and shadow are essential in this journey of abstraction, creating moments of singularity that merge inexorably in the experience of each place.


Exhibition organised by the Marques da Silva Institute Foundation and Dinâmia’CET-ISCTE.


◾ Guided Tours of the exhibition
January 18th and February 8th (Saturdays), 3pm
Free participation with prior registration at servico.educativo.museu@ccb.pt and
purchase of a museum entry ticket.


Descarregue [PDF] .pdf 1432.3 kb

Opening hours

From Tuesday to Sunday | 10:00 am to 7:00 pm (last entrance at 6:30 pm)
Closed on Monday
Free admission every Sunday until 2:00 pm for residents in Portugal*

Data sheet


José Gomes Ferreira’s habitation,
Albarraque, view from the courtyard [1962].
© Marques da Silva Foundation,
Raúl Hestnes Ferreira archive.

Prices and Discounts


Discount 50%

  • Visitors from 7 to 18 years old
  • Students
  • Visitors over 65 years old
  • Visitors with reduced mobility


Other discounts

20% — Lisboa Card




Free admission

  • Children up to 6 years old
  • Every Sunday until 2 p.m. for residents in Portugal*
  • Companions of people with disabilities
  • CCB Card
  • Unemployed
  • ICOM Members
  • Former combatant
  • Widow or widower of former combatant


* Residents in Portugal

Upon presentation of a Citizen Card of the Portuguese Republic.
If you do not have a Citizen Card of the Portuguese Republic, you must present an identification document and one of the following residence certificates:

  • registration certificate for EU/EEA/Swiss citizen
  • certificate of permanent residence for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens
  • the residence permit for citizens of third countries.



Centro de Arquitetura/Garagem Sul Patron


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