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Small Auditorium
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Dates / Schedules

January 26th 2024 09:00pm

January 27th 2024 07:00pm



«One of the 10 best dance performances of 2023»
Expresso newspaper


Soirée d’études was born out of Cassiel Gaube’s passion for the vocabulary of house dance, a club dance of which he explores the potential intersections with the compositional approaches of contemporary dance. Underpinned by a process of mapping out the kinaesthetic possibilities of this practice, Soirée d’études deconstructs the lexicon of house dance to better play with it. From its characteristic groove to its various forms of footwork, the different aspects of this style are successively examined, brought into light and honored. An étude, in the musical sense of the word, is a composition designed as an occasion to explore the possibilities of a particular technique in to experiment with them. Here, Cassiel Gaube, inspired in particular by the works of Bruno Beltrão and William Forsythe, explores the bodily and musical logics of his most beloved dance style.



Data sheet

Choreography Cassiel Gaube

Dance Cassiel Gaube, Alesya Dobysh, Anna Benedicte Andresen/Waithera Schreyeck

Dramaturgy Liza Baliasnaja, Matteo Fargion, Manon Santkin, Jonas Rutgeerts

Sound Marius Pruvot

Technical support and light Luc Schaltin

Production Hiros


Co-production La Ménagerie de Verre, Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie dans le cadre de l’Accueil-studio, Kunstencentrum BUDA (Kortrijk), workspacebrussels, wpZimmer, C-TAKT, CCN-Ballet national de Marseille dans le cadre de l’accueil studio / Ministère de la Culture, KAAP, Charleroi danse, La Manufacture CDCN Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux – La Rochelle, Danse élargie 2020, CND Centre national de la danse, les ballets C de la B dans le cadre de résidence Co-laBo, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie dans le cadre du dispositif Accueil Studio, CNDC Angers, Le Phare – CCN du Havre Normandie, Le Dancing CDCN Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

With the support of Flemish Government, Kunstenwerkplaats, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Iaspis The Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s International Programme for Visual Artists, Tanzhaus Zürich, School van Gaasbeek, Le Quartz – Scène nationale de Brest, ONDA

Special thanks to Erik Eriksson, Yonas Perou, Federica «Mia» Miani, Diego «Odd Sweet» Dolciami

Centro Cultural de Belém

Prices and Discounts

Note: -


DISCOUNTS are only valid for CCB production and/or co-production shows and for tickets with a price above €12, with the exception of CCB cardholders, the discount is applied to values ​​above €8.

50 % people with specific needs and accompanying person
50% for Arts and culture professionals and students (this discount only applies to the Main and Small Auditorium in CCB Production shows.
50% for unemployed
30% for CCB Card’s holders (individual, Senior, Youth and Family)
20% for people over 65 / for under 30s / students / for groups of more than 20 people



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