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Dates / Schedules

From 10 December 2014 to 8 March 2015 Opening 9 December, at 7pm

Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 6pm

The eternal time of modernity is the time of images. The photographic image is the immovable centre of the vortex of the new, the same newness that demystified eternal life and led to the physical materialisation of places where nothingness exists forever – modern cemeteries. Designing a cemetery includes the absurd task of planning for eternity, for a unique function that is more permanent than its actual materialisation. They are other places of modernity and its apparent superseding, places that are discovered in images. Guido Guidi obsessively photographed one of these fields of eternal images, which Carlo Scarpa designed for the Brion family.

Curator Joaquim Moreno

The various photography campaigns that Guido Guidi has been undertaking at the Brion cemetery since 1996 reveal the cyclical temporality of this sacred field, leading him to think of inverting roles, hypothesising that the project itself has learned from the images. In fact, if the cemetery’s function lasts longer than its architecture, it is the images and not the uses of the cemetery that change its architecture. Guidi’s images reveal the modulations and the cycles of this change: assonance, variation, flight, lateralisation, or the leap from one narrative to another. In this exhibition, Guidi’s images are the ideal way of exhibiting Scarpa’s architecture and initiating a dialogue.


CCB/Garagem Sul



213 612 614/5

Prices and Discounts


50% students
50% Portuguese Architects’ Association
50% over 65 years old

Cartão Amigo CCB
Under 18 years old

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