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The video installation Deep down is the Sea, by Graça Castanheira, is now available as a virtual tour.

Based on images provided by the Portuguese Task Group for the Extension of the Continental Shelf (EMEPC), this exhibition uses videos captured by divers and by the ROV Luso, a remote-controlled robot that descends to six thousand meters deep.

Although the term “tip of the iceberg” is popular to refer indirectly to the part that is not visible, the truth is that we know very little about the submerged realities of the territory. What this installation proposes to do is to submerge, to live below the water line during the time it takes to see it.

An exploratory movement through the Portuguese maritime territory.

Now, even after the cycle Deep Down Portugal is the Sea is over, on December 5th 2020, the exhibition will continue to be available in a digital format. For those who could not see it and for those who did see it and wish to return.

Press the above button to enter the exhibition from the comfort of your own home.


Deep Down Portugal is the Sea is the result of a partnership between the Portuguese Taks Group for the Extension of the Continental Shelf  (EMEPC) and Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB/Fábrica das Artes).

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