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may 14th 2022 09:00pm

Other Music

Virgínia Rodrigues is a Baiana singer who was discovered in 1997 by Caetano Veloso during a rehearsal of the Bando de Teatro Olodum in Salvador da Bahia. Veloso was so impressed by Rodrigues’ sensuous vocals that he helped land her a recording contract and went on to produce her much acclaimed debut album, Sol Negro. Although she was unable to access a phonograph player, she was introduced to music by her grandfather, who played accordion. She spent her youth singing in Afro-Brazilian Candomblé ceremonies and was a member of a Catholic church choir, where she sang Bach, baroque music, and learned to read music. Rodrigues taught herself basic piano in order to accompany herself when she practiced.

The first concerts of Virgínia Rodrigues in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paolo were a tremendous success. The Brazilian intelligentsia were left speechless. Her visits to New York City and Expo ’98 in Lisbon left these audiences equally amazed at the power of her voice. Her music is influenced by classical music, samba, and jazz, and her lyrics refer to entities of Candomblé and Umbanda. Her deep, profound, and unique voice has been celebrated by Djavan, Gilberto Gil and Milton Nascimento.

For this special evening, Jonathan Uliel Saldanha has decided to pair Virgínia Rodrigues with an ensemble of double basses. The concert will consist of exceptional re-orchestrations of songs near and dear to Rodrigues, the lower register of her voice accompanied by the rich timbre of the chamber ensemble of deep strings. The night is bound to be memorable as the profound musicality of Rodrigues becomes supported by the intensely rich spectra of the strings. A momentous occasion to dive into the singular voice of Virgínia Rodrigues.

Carte Blanche to Jonathan Uliel Saldanha

Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, musician, visual artist, sound and scenic builder, who investigates intersection zones between pre-language, alterity, science fiction, sound as a vector of contagion and the tension between the synthetic and the landscape, was challenged by the CCB to develop a curatorship of a series of concerts involving electronic music, musicians from Uganda, Brazil, Turkey, France, among other proposals. A Carte Blanche that reveals new Worlds to us.


+6 years


Prices and Discounts

Note: with marked places


Discounts are only valid in CCB Production and / or Coproduction shows and for tickets with a price of more than € 12, except for the CCB card holders, the discount is applied in amounts higher than € 8.
20% for those aged under 25 and over 65 (anywhere in the hall, except the front stalls)
10% for holders of the FNAC card (valid in the Main Auditorium and Small Auditorium, for tickets purchased at sales points)
25% for customers of CP, after the checking of the CP tickets (for tickets purchased at sales points)
50% for unemployed persons, on presentation of official proof from IEFP (valid in the Main Auditorium and Small Auditorium, for tickets purchased at sales points)
30% for last minute tickets, Half an hour before the start, on the day of the actual performance


€5 for professionals/students involved in the production of the show or performance, students (this discount only applies to performances produced by the CCB and purchased at the CCB Box Office, and there are only a limited number of tickets available)
30% Discount for holders of the CCB Friend’s Card


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