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Dates / Schedules

November 11, 15 and 18 10am-12pm

November 22, 25 and 29 2pm-4pm

11-14 years old


Paper house, wooden skyscraper, museum made of construction waste and a 3D printer instead of construction workers… Hell yes, today you can produce amazing architecture without polluting the planet!

We will get to know the stories of incredible architects from around the world who are changing our world for the better. We will develop our own projects and models to join the slow revolution in architecture.

Designed and conducted by Architectural Thinking School for Children
The workshop will be held in english.

About The Architectural Thinking School for Children
We teach architectural thinking as a tool for understanding the modern global world. Focused on artistic education, the school and its founders received nominations for the Thornton Education Trust’s Inspire Future Generations Award under the “Best Organisation” and “Individuals of the Year” categories in 2021.

The school was founded in 2016 by the architect Alexander Novikov and the art critic and designer Elena Karpilova. Elena and Alexander were speakers and tutors at numerous international conferences and workshops, including a teacher training organized by Plano Nacional das Artes (PNA), EGEAC, Portuguese Architecture Guild in 2021.

Elena Karpilova
Art critic, designer, curator, head and co-founder of the Architectural Thinking School for Children. Founder of the Minsk Design Week, curator of numerous projects and expositions in Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Russia and France, founder and owner of the KARPILOVA jewelry brand. Holds a bachelor’s degree in painting and teaching from the Minsk State Art College named after A. Glebov and a master’s degree in comparative art from the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts.

Alexander Novikov
Architect, co-founder and head of the Architectural Thinking School for Children, and partner at KARAKO Architectural Studio. Holds a master’s degree in architecture from the Belarusian National Technical University and a postgraduate degree in architecture and urbanism from Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design.

Info and registrations

Through form or ines.marques@ccb.pt


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