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Main Auditorium
90 min.
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Dates / Schedules

Sunday, May 26th 2024 07:00pm


Anyone listening to the electrifying second movement (Scherzo vivacissimo) of Prokofiev’s Violin Concerto No. 1 will understand the passion that immediately gripped Joseph Szigeti, present at the warmly applauded world premiere of the work in October 1923 in Paris. It was love at first listen. The great violinist began regularly presenting the concerto to audiences worldwide. These audiences, naturally, were also won over until the present day.


Joly Braga Santos died in 1988, at the age of 64, at the height of his creativity. A great lover of opera, he left us with a vast production spanning various musical genre. His Fourth Symphony had two versions, the second of which, choral-symphonic, premiered in 1968. This version proposed a magnificent choral epilogue that remains one of the most fervent tributes to youth in the history of Portuguese music. Its overwhelming final crescendo continues to captivate us enthusiastically – undoubtedly one of the reasons it was proposed as the World Youth Anthem.


+6 Years

Data sheet

Violin Veriko Tchumburidzer

Conductor Julia Jones

São Carlos National Theatre Choir

(Principal conductor Giampaolo Vessella)

Portuguese Symphony Orchestra


Ptoto© Bruno Simão


Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953) Violin Concerto No. 1, op. 10

Joly Braga Santos (1924-1988) Symphony No. 4, op. 16


Centro Cultural de Belém, OPART/Teatro Nacional de São Carlos

Prices and Discounts

Note: -


DISCOUNTS are only valid for CCB production and/or co-production shows and for tickets with a price above €12, with the exception of CCB cardholders, the discount is applied to values ​​above €8.

50 % people with specific needs and accompanying person
50% for Arts and culture professionals and students (this discount only applies to the Main and Small Auditorium in CCB Production shows.
50% for unemployed
30% for CCB Card’s holders (individual, Senior, Youth and Family)
20% for people over 65 / for under 30s / students / for groups of more than 20 people



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