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Dates / Schedules

March 8th 2024 09:00pm

Chamber Music



Música de Câmara

At first glance, little seems to unite the three string quartets by Joly Braga Santos, António Pinho Vargas and Dmitri Shostakovich proposed in this recital. However, it is more what unites them than what separates them. Written just three years apart (1957 and 1960), the quartets by Braga Santos and Shostakovich reveal a turning point in the work of their authors: the Portuguese composer towards rougher and more stripped-down music, and the Soviet composer towards his last quartets, pieces of immense expressive concentration and autobiographical content. António Pinho Vargas, whose music shares with Shostakovich’s a certain tragic pathos, pathos that denotes an existential restlessness unique in recent Portuguese music, will introduce us to his 5th Quartet, thus confirming himself as the modern Portuguese composer most significant when it comes to this genre of chamber music.


+6 years

Data sheet


Joly Braga Santos (1924-1988) String Quartet No. 2

António Pinho Vargas (b. 1951) Collections & translations (…varianti…) (world premiere/commissioned by CCB)


– Intermission –


Dmitri Schostakovich (1906-1975) String Quartet No. 8

Centro Cultural de Belém

Prices and Discounts

Note: -


DISCOUNTS are only valid for CCB production and/or co-production shows and for tickets with a price above €12, with the exception of CCB cardholders, the discount is applied to values ​​above €8.


50 % people with specific needs and accompanying person
50% for Arts and culture professionals and students (this discount only applies to the Main and Small Auditorium in CCB Production shows.
50% for unemployed
30% for CCB Card’s holders (individual, Senior, Youth and Family)
20% for people over 65 / for under 30s / students / for groups of more than 20 people

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