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15 hours (8 synchronous + 7 asynchronous)
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Dates / Schedules

20, 21 and 22 January, 2021 18:30 to 20:30

23 January, 2021 10:30 to 12:30

Accredited online training (8 synchronous hours + 7 asynchronous hours)


This training activity shows how philosophy increases our capacity for dialogue. It shows how, by promoting questioning and cultivating the habit of carefully scrutinising different issues, we can create a community atmosphere in which we can think together with others. In these sessions, theory and practice are interconnected, showing that the strategies presented in the course of the activity can be used in various educational contexts, while, at the same time, offering a way of thinking. This exercise involves promoting a community’s capacity for shared thought.

Dina Mendonça (PhD, University of South Carolina, USA, 2003) is a researcher at the Nova Institute of Philosophy, of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Lisbon Nova University. She works in the areas of the Philosophy of Emotions and Philosophy for Children and teaches Philosophy of the Mind and the Didactics of Philosophy at the same university, while also working as a guest lecturer in the Master’s Degree course in Philosophy for Children at the University of the Azores. She is the author of the book Brincar a Pensar? (Plátano, 2011), written in partnership with the educator Maria João Lourenço.

CCB/Fábrica das Artes

Prices and Discounts

Note: Booking: 213 612 899 | fabricadasartes@ccb.pt

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