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Main Auditorium
Filme 15 min. / Conferência 30 min.
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Dates / Schedules

Sessions cinema 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00 / 18:00 / 19:00 / 20:00

Conversation sessions 15:30 / 16:30 / 17:30 / 18:30 / 19:30

Six black friends from different places on the outskirts of Lisbon – Porto Brandão and Cacém – decide to travel to the Centro Cultural de Belém to watch a show. Observing each of their journeys in turn, we discover what they think and feel as they make their way to the city – or Lisa, as they call it. A reflection on the centre and the periphery, blacks and whites, racism and inclusion.

Between the various sessions, there will be different talks in the Small Auditorium , discussing and enlarging upon the various problematics underlying the filming of this Pele Escura (Dark Skin).


Moderator of the Talks: Ângella Graça (President of INMUNE)
3pm FILM
Talk: The Memory and Architecture of the City: António Brito Guterres (Urban Planner and Researcher at ISCTE-IUL) and Ricardo Bak Gordon (Architect)
4pm FILM
Talk: Culture and Art – From The center to the Outskirts: Zia Soares (Artistic Director, Actor, Set Designer) and Selma Uamusse (Singer)
5pm FILM
Talk: The Imprint of History in Social and Identity Construction: Karina Carvalho (Sociologist, Executive Director of TI Portugal) and Paula Cardoso (Journalist)
6pm FILM
Talk: Image as an Element of Communication and Affirmation: Manuel Dias dos Santos (Sociologist, Founding Member of the Angola Reflection Platform) and Diogo Ramada Curto (Professor at the NOVA University of Lisbon, Historian and Researcher)
7pm FILM
Talk: Pele escura – Lines of a Collective Struggle: Graça Castanheira (Director of Pele Escura) and Meirinho Mendes (Stage Manager and Actors Director from Pele Escura)
8pm FILM



Data sheet

Director Graça Castanheira
Assistant director Patrícia Delgado
Original Idea Kalaf Epalanga
Script Graça Castanheira / Meirinho Mendes
Director of photography João Ribeiro
Sound Pedro Freitas
Costumes Joana Cardoso
Production Maria João Mayer
Financial support ICA, Centro Cultural de Belém


Prices and Discounts

Note: To obtain tickets for persons with limited mobility, please contact the box office either by telephone (213 612 627 – every day from 13:00 to 20:00) or by email at bilheteiraccb@ccb.pt.


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