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Dates / Schedules

March 24th 2022 09:00pm LIVE

Live Streaming from BOL, until 11:59 pm on Sunday, after the concert start time.



Pedro Jóia, one of Portugal’s foremost guitarists, presents us with a repertoire based on some of the best music produced in this country in the twentieth century, and in which he demonstrates all of his technique and musical sensitivity.

He will be joined by several special guests in his presentation of versions for guitar and percussion of emblematic works by such diverse musicians as Armandinho, Carlos Paredes and José Afonso, as well as some of his own compositions.

This concert takes place in a room, with an audience, and  Live Streaming on the BOL platform.


Live Streaming

Live Streaming from BOL, until 11:59 pm on Sunday, after the concert start time.



+ 6 years

Data sheet

Guitar Pedro Jóia
Drums José Salgueiro
Guests to be announed

Centro Cultural de Belém, EGEAC/Museu do Fado

Prices and Discounts

Note: reserved places


Discounts are only valid in CCB Production and / or Coproduction shows and for tickets with a price of more than € 12, except for the CCB card holders, the discount is applied in amounts higher than € 8.
20% for those aged under 25 and over 65 (anywhere in the hall, except the front stalls)
10% for holders of the FNAC card (valid in the Main Auditorium and Small Auditorium, for tickets purchased at sales points)
25% for customers of CP, after the checking of the CP tickets (for tickets purchased at sales points)

50% for unemployed persons, on presentation of official proof from IEFP (valid in the Main Auditorium and Small Auditorium, for tickets purchased at sales points)
30% for last minute tickets, Half an hour before the start, on the day of the actual performance
€5 for professionals/students involved in the production of the show or performance, students (this discount only applies to performances produced by the CCB and purchased at the CCB Box Office, and there are only a limited number of tickets available)
30% Discount for holders of the CCB Friend’s Card

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