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Main Auditorium
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Dates / Schedules

March 5th 2023 05:00pm


In Beethoven’s symphonies, we can identify idyllic and humorous environments and tragic or epic impulses. However, it all depends on the listener’s imagination. As a portrait, the music never aspired to compete with an oil painting, let alone a photograph. After all, how could an orchestra reproduce the image of a sunny afternoon by a stream? Instead, Symphony No. 6 proposes to express, through sound, the feelings that rural settings arouse in us. This symphony will be the framework for the absolute premiere of the first Piano Concerto composed by Tiago Derriça, commissioned by the CCB. It also awakens the desire to discover the concerting impulses of this composer.

Data sheet

Piano Marta Menezes

Conductor Pedro Neves

Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra


Tiago Derriça (1986) Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (world premiere)*

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68, Pastorale


* CCB Commission

Centro Cultural de Belém, Metropolitana

Prices and Discounts

Note: -


DISCOUNTS are only valid for CCB production and/or co-production shows and for tickets with a price above €12, with the exception of CCB cardholders, the discount is applied to values ​​above €8.


50% for unemployed, upon presentation of proof of the IEFP (valid in the Main Auditorium and Small Auditorium, for tickets purchased at the sales points)

50% for people with specific needs and accompanying person

30% for under 30s

30% for CCB Card’s holders (individual, Senior, Youth and Family)

25% for CP customers, after checking the CP Tickets (for tickets purchased at sales points)

20% for groups of more than 20 people

20% for people over 65

10% for FNAC cardholders (valid in the Main Auditorium and Small Auditorium)

€5 for Arts and culture professionals and students this discount only applies to the Main and Small Auditorium  in CCB Production shows, purchased at our CCB ticket office and has a limited number of tickets


On the 30th of each month from October 2022 to December 2023

30% discount on the purchase of any ticket for the 2022-2023 CCB season


Ticket sets for different shows
Discount on the total purchase price

PACK 1 20% 3 to 5 shows

PACK 2 30% 6 to 8 shows / 35% with CCB Card 6 to 8 shows

PACK 3 40% 9 or more shows / 45% with CCB Card 9 or more shows

We also suggest

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