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7 february 2021 05:00pm ONLINE


In the mid-1960s, a young Jewish American heard a series of recordings of West African music. Such was his fascination that, years later, he managed to realise his dream of visiting Ghana, during the summer of 1970, where he learned the music of various tribes with the Ghana Dance Ensemble and his mentor, the master drummer Gideon Alorworye. In that magical summer, he was able to witness for himself that music and dance go hand in hand with life itself in the midst of communities. On returning home, he developed what he had learned and allied it to his interest in tape loops and the study of the great percussion orchestras of Africa and Indonesia. It was from this melting pot filled with different influences that Drumming came into being, a composition with four continuous movements that develops from one single rhythmic cell. It is a spontaneous and deep-felt work, innovative and powerful, with a unifying message that, almost half a century after its first performance, still continues to demonstrate that Music can unite, celebrate and inspire a global society, where hope, equality, education and culture are universal pillars. Just as simply as the message in Schiller’s Ode to Joy: «Be embraced, all you millions! Share this kiss with all the world! Way above the stars, brothers.»Pedro Carneiro

Portuguese Chamber Orchestra live at Praça CCB



Data sheet

Pedro Carneiro, Tomás Moital, Pedro Tavares, Agostinho Sequeira, Marco Santos, Rafael Picamilho, António Machado, Cristiano Rios, Alexandre Ferreira Silva percussion
Rui Maia flautim
Inês Lopes soprano
Rita Tavares contralto


Pedro Carneiro artistic direction
Alexandre Dias executive direction
Teresa Simas project and innovation director
José Augusto Carneiro consultant
Madalena Branco, Gabriel Lapas production
André Butler community manager
Bruno Vicente photography
Doug Perkins consultant for the project


Steve Reich Drumming

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