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Lopes-Graça Room
60 min.
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Dates / Schedules

February 12th 2022 05:00pm

February 17th 2022 06:30pm


Our Critical Workshops are designed to promote a keen and observant spirit and critical analysis, promoting a questioning attitude that helps us to position ourselves in relation to current artistic and cultural activities.

In the first session, the playwright and stage director Luís Mestre will begin by examining the movement that has resulted in the transformation of drama, from the beautiful Aristotelian-Hegelian animal right through to contemporary times. After this, he will share with his audience the tools of critical and theatrical analysis.

After the show, there will be a final session in which the participants will put into practice the concepts and tools that have been discussed in the workshops.


The first show that will be analyzed in these Critical Workshops will be INFO MANÍACO, by André e. Teodósio, on stage at the Black Box from February 10th to 13th.




February 12th | 5pm – Theoretical exposition
February 12th | 7pm – Show Info Maníaco
February 17th | 6.30pm – Online Debate


+ 16 years

Prices and Discounts


20% discounts for students


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