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8 synchronous hours + 8 asynchronous hours
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Dates / Schedules

5, 12, 19 and 26 April, 2021 (mondays) 18:30 to 20:30

Accredited online training (8 synchronous hours + 8 asynchronous hours)


Chronological children and their questions present invaluable challenges for people, at any age, to problematise what surrounds them and even to think differently. Just as happens with Alice, we are faced with paradoxes, events that have happened and others that have yet to happen. We are living in “Alice-like” times, escaping from the chronological present, rejecting thinking that is divided between a before (past) and an after (future): a thinking that stretches and extends the present, in search of that wonderful thing that is lost time.



Magda Costa Carvalho graduated in Philosophy at the University of Lisbon and has a PhD in Contemporary Philosophy from the University of the Azores. She is a lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the University of the Azores, where, since 2016, she has been responsible for coordinating the Master’s Degree in Philosophy for Children. She is a research member of NICA: Interdisciplinary Centre for Childhood and Adolescence, of the University of the Azores, and a member of the Philosophy and Public Space Research Group, of the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Porto. She is also a member of the research project “Philosophy for Children and the Dawn of Moral Intuition: Values and Reasons in Rationality and Reasonability”, financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology.


213 612 899 | fabricadasartes@ccb.pt

CCB/Fábrica das Artes

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