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Espaço Fábrica das Artes
35 min (espetáculo) + 50 min (café filosófico)
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“I won’t be quiet!” said Alice arriving at the Queen of Heart’s croquet ground.

“Off with her head!” replied the Queen of Hearts.


It is through a game of words, where the main focus is the confrontation of ideas, that Alice questions the world in which she lives, justice and the rules of a game where the odds seem to be stacked against her. In this performance, a board divided into two invites the spectators to transform themselves into a jury and to act as advisers in a great rhetorical battle. Come and join in!


Aftershow philosophical cafés with Dina Mendonça


Alienation or distraction?

3 to 6 February

Is Alice distracted or alienated from reality? Or is it that, after her adventure, she has succeeded in seeing reality in greater depth? Come and talk to others and think together about what it means to be alienated and how to deal with it.


Refugees and Travellers with Alice – borders or not?

9 to 13 February

Alice’s journey helps us the rethink the questions that the recent migrations of refugees have raised about how to coherently fulfil our democratic commitments, namely that all human beings have the same moral value and that we are duty bound to respect the rights and freedoms of individuals.


M/8 anos
1º, 2º e 3º ciclos, Ensino Secundário

Data sheet

Conceção e interpretação

Cirila Bossuet e Isabel Costa


Figurinos e conceção plástica

Alice Albergaria, Beatriz Bagulho e Madalena Castro


Adereços de figurino

Sara Leme


Música original

Cuca Monga


Vídeos e diretos

António Mendes e João Estrada


Acompanhamento à criação

Maria Gil


Cafés filosóficos

Dina Mendonça

CCB/Fábrica das Artes

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