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July 24th 2021 09:00pm


Coimbra, 2014. The city witnessed the birth of a new musical project, which was given the name of the Mancines. The voices of Raquel Ralha (Wraygunn, Belle Chase Hotel, Azembla’s Quartet, The Twist Connection) and Toni Fortuna (d3o, Tédio Boys, M’as Foice) joined together with Pedro Renato (Belle Chase Hotel, Azembla’s Quartet) and Gonçalo Rui (a musical producer and guitarist) to embark on a musical, but also highly cinematic, journey. Four years after the release of their debut album Eden’s Inferno, the band returned in 2020 with the album II, produced by Lux Records. Although it is “very rare for a band to have such a distinct identity of its own, such a tremendous capacity for creating refrains, and for creating immaculate arrangements”, the Mancines have this capacity and express it in this new recording, which is more positive and more disconnected from the sounds of the musicians’ previous projects. To the list of their extremely beautiful songs, sung in English, French and Italian, they have added their partnerships with JP Simões and Samuel Úria, as well as a version of a song by Heróis do Mar. While Eden’s Inferno was well received by the general public and the critics, this new album is an instant classic, “one of the most delightful albums of pop music to have appeared in Portugal in recent times” (Nuno Galopim).
At CCB, the band will perform with a special guest, the musician JP Simões.



Data sheet

Convidado especial JP Simões


Prices and Discounts

Note: S/ descontos e S/ lugares marcados



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