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Main Auditorium
1h30 min.
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October 31st 2023 09:00pm


Founded in 1982 by Reverend Bazil Meade, the London Community Gospel Choir (LCGC) is one of the most highly regarded and respected Gospel choirs in England and the world, having already played and participated with artists such as Madonna, Elton John, Blur, Eric Clapton and Kylie Minogue. The moment the LCGC enter the stage exudes a tremendous energy that our hearts would have to be made of stone for us to remain indifferent or not feel touched by the experience of seeing and hearing the LCGC. The perfect harmonies combined with a total delivery and the total complicity between all make it a memorable and unforgettable show. Proof of this are the various sold-out shows that the choir has performed in Portugal in past years, where the public always leaves wanting more! It is with pride that we present their project One Night With The Beatles, where the choir revisits some the Fab Four´s greatest hits! Don´t miss out!


+ 6 years

Incubadora D’Artes

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