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Main Auditorium
90 min.
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November 5th 2021 | 09:00pm NEW DATE

The London Community Gospel Choir (LCGC) don’t need no intruductions in our country, continually sold out each show in each venue where they perform with the contagious energy of their performances that leaves no one indifferent, innovating every year, setting the tone for those who come behind .



In 2021, after the success of the innovative show in honor of Prince, the LCGC promise to raise the bar with a very special and exclusive presentation for our country: LCGC Presents: One Night with The Beatles !, a show commissioned by the Incubadora D’Artes to the LCGC, where they will perform some of the best known fab four hits, along with themes from the LCGC repertoire.

It will certainly be an unforgettable and memorable show!



Incubadora d' Artes

Prices and Discounts

Note: To obtain tickets for persons with limited mobility, please contact the box office either by telephone (213 612 627 – every day from 13:00 to 20:00) or by email at bilheteiraccb@ccb.pt.

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