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Architecture Centre / Garagem Sul
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Dates / Schedules

From 25 January to 24 February 2013 Opening 24 January, at 7pm

Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 6pm

Lisbon Ground is the title of the exhibition that represented Portugal at the 13th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, from 29 August to 25 November 2012. This was a project conceived and developed by the curator appointed by the Portuguese Directorate-General for the Arts, the architect Inês Lobo, which produced this response to the basic theme proposed by David Chipperfield, the general commissioner for this edition of La Biennale di Venezia – “Common Ground”.

Curator Inês Lobo

«If we think of cities as complex, and nowadays dysfunctional, systems, despite their undoubtedly continuing to be one of humankind’s greatest inventions, then it is urgent to return them to their inventors. Setting these systems in operation again obliges us to reflect upon the following questions: public space, private space, accessibility/mobility, programmes, proximity and comfort. This exercise implies a recognition/understanding of the city, a re-invention of a way of inhabiting the city that belongs to the present time.»
Inês Lobo


CCB/Garagem Sul and Directorate-General for the Arts



213 612 614/5

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