Dates / Schedules
8 november 2020 04:00pm - coversation (Ribeiro da Fonte Room) 06:00pm - Concert (Small Auditorium)
Boris Vian was a great novelist, poet, singer and musician in Paris during the crazy years that followed the 1940 armistice. He could be defined as an avant-garde artist, inspired by surrealism and pataphysics. Yet, at the same time, he was a popular artist, who both wrote and performed light-hearted songs that were a combination of simplicity and sophistication, as well as playing trumpet and writing caustic detective stories. He died at the age of 39.
The centenary of his birth will be marked by a conversation between Fernando Cabral Martins, João Paulo Esteves da Silva and Bernardo Pinto de Almeida, in a session chaired by Carlos Vaz Marques.
This will be followed by a concert in the Small Auditorium with Luís Vicente and other jazz musicians, who will interpret some of Boris Vian’s compositions.
Fernando Cabral Martins
Over 6s
Data sheet
Boris Vian (1920-1959)
- Guerre et liberté
- Le déserteur
- Bourrée de complexes
- Je suis snob
- Je bois
- La java des bombes atomiques
- Juste le temps de vivre
- Je ne peut pas m’empecher
- Natacha
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