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4 december 2020 | 09:00pm


“Harold López-Nussa, composer and pianist from Havana, is developing and captivating a fan base thanks to a tireless liveliness that “unites generations and musical genres”, says the magazine Billboard. His music reflects all the variety and richness of Cuban music, with its distinctive combination of classical, folk and popular elements, as well as embracing jazz improvisation and interaction.


López-Nussa’s new album, “Un Dia Cualquiera”, the second album published by Mack Avenue Records, represents that same musical point of view with strength and innovation. This is a record where he tells that story – his story – with drama, emotion and using an exemplary technique. And at the same time, it is a forceful statement by a Cuban musician who leads his Cuban band, recorded in the USA, and influenced by the music of both countries in ways that transcend narrow notions of Latin jazz.



Incubadora D'Artes

Prices and Discounts

Note: To obtain tickets for persons with limited mobility, please contact the box office either by telephone (213 612 627 – every day from 13:00 to 20:00) or by email at bilheteiraccb@ccb.pt.

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