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Luís de Freitas Branco Room
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25 May 2022 6:30pm


The last session of the Conference Program is focused on co-existence, on architecture as a frame for rich encounters between different users and communities. If the last decades have been defined by a strong sense of fragmentation among us — a direct consequence of both capitalism and neo-liberalism all around —, it seems that now there is the will to face together the challenges of our time. Our guests are Wilfried Kuehn, co-founder of Berlin-based practice Kuehn Malvezzi, and Clara Simay, co-founder of the Paris-based cooperative Grand Huit. Both guests will introduce specific projects where they have been able to act as designers, facilitators and mediators: from the world’s first house of prayer for three religions to an urban polyculture farm for economic  integration and accommodation of vulnerable people.

Kuehn Malvezzi (DE) is a Berlin-based practice co-founded by Simona Malvezzi, Wilfried Kuehn and Johannes Kuehn in 2001. They have realized numerous projects ranging from museums and cultural buildings to mixed-use and residential projects. Current projects include the interreligious House of One in Berlin, the new Insectarium in Montreal, the renovation of the Bâtiment d’Art Contemporain in Geneva and a new building ensemble at Jannowitzbrücke in Berlin.


Grand Huit (FR) is an architecture cooperative co-founded by Julia Turpin and Clara Simay in Paris. They participate in the creation of sustainable, innovative, and solidarity-based spaces; projects anchored in the territories, driven by a multi-actor synergy and activators of the circular economy. They are committed to the development of urban ecology, the reuse of construction materials and eco-materials.


Accessible to persons with reduced mobility.
Please contact us in case of need for a sign language interpreter: garagemsul@ccb.pt

CCB/Garagem Sul and Lisbon Architecture Triennale

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