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Dates / Schedules

22 October (friday) 10h / 10h20 / 10h40 / 11h / 11h20 / 11h40 / 12h / 12h20 / 12h40 / 13h / 13h20 / 13h40 / 14h / 14h20 / 14h40 / 15h / 15h20 / 15h40

23 October (saturday) 11h / 11h20 / 11h40 / 12h / 12h20 / 12h40 / 13h / 13h20 / 13h40 / 14h / 14h20 / 14h40 / 15h / 15h20 / 15h40 / 16h / 16h20 / 16h40



Other Music

This installation by the Belgian composer Serge Verstockt, which has been on tour since 2013, consists of nearly sixty caged mechanical birds that react to each person’s voice and express their joy with cheerful chirping.

Everyone is invited to interact with the birds, triggering a bird’s tweet, and then another, and yet another! These unique birds have come from far away to enchant you and play with you. Step into their world, but be quick, before they fly off again!


For all

Data sheet


Serge Verstockt


Big Bang Festival

Co-financed by the Creative Europe Programme by the European Union

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