Dates / Schedules
March 4th 2022 09:00pm
March 5th 2022 07:00pm
This show is an adaptation of Federico Fellini’s 1978 film Orchestra Rehearsal (1978). In the film, a classical music orchestra assembles in a parish youth club to rehearse; in this case, it is the jazz orchestra of the Hot Club de Portugal, and their rehearsal room is the stage of the CCB.
Fellini uses the orchestra, instruments, musicians and music as a metaphor for a society in crisis. Although Fellini claimed that he was not at all interested in politics, he constructed a film around an orchestra that rejects its collective nature, with each individual having their own egocentric vision of their role. They are united only in their aim to overthrow the person that they consider to be their common enemy: the conductor.
The film has been criticised by many people. Some saw it as an apology for fascism, while others described it as displaying a naive approach to politics. It was considered to be reactionary and conservative. But, for Fellini himself, Orchestra Rehearsal is none of this. «It is an ethical parable designed to arouse a certain feeling of shame in the people, to show that their disorganised madness can prompt the organised madness of the State, the dictatorship.» With this theme, we are also interested in understanding where the jazz musician’s freedom lies. Where is the collective and individual freedom?
+ 12 years
Data sheet
Author Federico Fellini
Direction Tónan Quito
Adaptation and dramaturgy Filipe Melo and Tónan Quito
Music Filipe Melo
Performers Ana Brandão, António Fonseca, Crista Alfaiate, Tonan Quito and the Hot Club Portugal Orchestra
Set design F. Ribeiro
Light design Daniel Worm
Costumes José António Tenente
Sound design Pedro Costa
Video João Gambino
Executive production Armando Valente
Production HomemBala
Co-production Centro Cultural de Belém
Co-production residency O Espaço do Tempo
Discounts are only valid in CCB Production and / or Coproduction shows and for tickets with a price of more than € 12, except for the CCB card holders, the discount is applied in amounts higher than € 8.
20% for those aged under 25 and over 65 (anywhere in the hall, except the front stalls)
10% for holders of the FNAC card (valid in the Main Auditorium and Small Auditorium, for tickets purchased at sales points)
25% for customers of CP, after the checking of the CP tickets (for tickets purchased at sales points)
50% for unemployed persons, on presentation of official proof from IEFP (valid in the Main Auditorium and Small Auditorium, for tickets purchased at sales points)
30% for last minute tickets, Half an hour before the start, on the day of the actual performance
€5 for professionals/students involved in the production of the show or performance, students (this discount only applies to performances produced by the CCB and purchased at the CCB Box Office, and there are only a limited number of tickets available)
30% Discount for holders of the CCB Friend’s Card