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4 september 2020 | 09:30pm CCB Plaza

A cameraman and a soundman arrive on Corvo, the smallest island of the Azores, in 2007. Situated right in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Corvo is a large rock, six kilometres long and four kilometres wide, with the crater of a volcano in the middle and a single tiny village of 440 people. Little by little, the small film crew are accepted by the island’s population, two more people joining a civilisation whose almost 500-year-old history is hardly discernible, due to the lack of written records. Filmed at a furious pace over several years, and self-produced between their various comings and goings to the island, It’s the Earth not the Moon resembles a ship’s log and is gradually transformed into a patchwork of discoveries and experiences, following the daily life of a civilisation isolated in the middle of the ocean.


The film will be screened in DVD.





DocLisboa – Best Film 2011

Documenta Madrid – Best Documentary Film Creation

Bafici – Best Film (Cine Del Futuro)

San Francisco – Best Documentary Film


Views of the Critics

With entire justice, this is the Portuguese film of the year.” – Francisco Ferreira, Expresso

A unique film”Vasco Câmara, Público

An astounding film of discovery” – Sérgio Abranches, Time Out Lisboa



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