Dates / Schedules
9 august 2020 | 06:00pm Olive Tree Garden
Laura Santos is the author of household classics and cookery books such as O Mestre Cozinheiro, A Mulher na Sala e na Cozinha, Livro de Ouro da Doçaria, Noiva, Esposa e Mãe, among many others. If this lady were a DJ, she would use Vista Alegre dishes and Bordalo Pinheiro earthenware and cook up the best music for dancing. João Vaz Silva selects the ingredients for a meal that could equally well come from the golden decade of Portuguese pop music, from a London radio in the 1960s, a film from the 1970s in Paris or a classic dance tune from the 1980s. And there is nothing to prevent the mixing table covered with vintage doilies from pouring forth some wingback armchair song from the modern day. The important thing is that the hips never stop shaking and that Laura Santos would approve of her disciple’s tasty snacks. Enjoy your meal.