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Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen Room
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March 30th 2023 06:30pm


As seen during the various lockdowns caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the «movement» proved to be at the heart of fierce disputes around the concept of freedom. We will see how the specific modes of this dispute are manifested in the current moment and help us to rethink the foundations of what we still insist on calling «time». André Lepecki will pay attention to recent performances by mayfield brooks and Sara Cameron Sunde.


André Lepecki is an essayist and independent curator based in New York City. Full Professor and Chairperson at the Department of Performance Studies at New York University. PhD from New York University. Editor of several anthologies on dance and performance theory. He has curated festivals and projects for HKW-Berlin, MoMA-Warsaw, MoMA PS1, the Hayward Gallery, Haus der Künst-Munich, Sydney Biennial 2016, among others. Author of Exhausting Dance: performance and the politics of movement (2006, published in thirteen languages), and of Singularities: dance in the age of performance (2016). In the 1980s and 1990s, Lepecki was the dramaturge for choreographers Vera Mantero, João Fiadeiro, Francisco Camacho and Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods. In 2008 he received the Association Internationale des Critiques d’Art (USA Section) award for «Best Performance» for co-curating and directing the authorized redoing of Allan Kaprow’s 18 Happenings in 6 Parts (a commission of Haus der Kunst 2006, performed at PERFORMA 07). Since 2003, he collaborates in several “Actions” of the performance artist Eleonora Fabião.



+6 years


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