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9 April 2024 10:00am - 05:30pm

Auditorium MAC/CCB The entrance is free, subject to the number of seats available


Since 2019, the Colonial and Post-Colonial Landscapes International Congresses (CPCL) have been critical forums in enquiring about the entanglements between Architecture and Portuguese colonialism. While built works have often been the focus of Architectural history, multiple agents and agendas remain to be grasped. This first Roundtable on Infrastructures + Labour + War aims to question the role of still overlooked actors and agencies on different occupation strategies during late Portuguese colonialism. The debate will bring together the teams from the research projects ArchWar, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), and ArchLabour, funded by the European Research Council (ERC), both based at Dinâmia’CET-ISCTE, along with invited consultants and scholars.

The morning session will feature the launch of the special issue “Colonial and Post-Colonial Landscapes: Architecture, Cities and Infrastructures” (no. 39) of the journal Africana Studia (ed. CEAUP). The volume brings together a set of articles selected from the first edition of the CPCL Congresses, held in Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon. The session will be moderated by Ana Silva Fernandes (University of Porto), editor of this issue and Karina Ramos (CEAUP) member of the Journal editorial team and it will be participated by the authors, either in person or remotely.

In the afternoon, Cristiana Bastos (University of Lisbon), Peter Scriver (University of Adelaide), and Johan Lagae (University of Ghent) will share their perspectives on unskilled labour, building yards and colonial public works, crossing different inter-imperial experiences and setting forward new avenues for research. Ana Vaz Milheiro (ISCTE-IUL), the Principal Investigator of ArchWar and ArchLabour projects, will chair the debate.


More information 


10 – 10H45 | WELCOME

Paulo Tormenta Pinto (Dinâmia’CET-ISCTE)
Ana Vaz Milheiro (Dinâmia’CET-ISCTE)


11 – 12H00 | Journal launch Africana Studia #39

Ana Silva Fernandes (FAUP), Karina Ramos (CEAUP)


14 – 15H00

“Managing an ERC Advanced Grant and team: notes from the project The Colour of Labour – The racialized lives of migrants”

Cristiana Bastos (Institute of Social Sciences -UL)


15 – 16H00

“Learning from Labour as Method: From colonial public works to ‘South-South’ cooperation”

Peter Scriver (University of Adelaide)


16 – 17H00

Who builds your ‘Concrete Monsters’? Notes on investigating Labor, Material Ecologies and the ‘Geopolitics of Concrete’ in Mobutu’s Zaïre

Johan Lagae (Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Ghent University)


17 – 17H30 | Roundtable

mod. Ana Vaz Milheiro (Dinâmia’CET-ISCTE)


Kick-start showcase

“The Mabubas Dam’s site construction and workforce (1948-1954)”

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