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Architecture Centre / Garagem Sul
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Dates / Schedules

From 22 March to 21 July 2013 Opening 21 March, at 7pm

Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 6pm

The Belém Cultural Centre inaugurated in 1993 a small exhibition called Realidade-Real integrating the then promising architecture firm ARX Portugal. After 20 years the exhibition ARX arquivo / archive is here to justify what was a risky bet at that time in an emerging  Portuguese practice. This exhibition shows how this bet continues to produce positive effects. The activity of the brothers Nuno and José Mateus continues to mark the Portuguese architecture showing a constant critical work and experiment. Its uniqueness emerges from intensive exploitation of the architectural project. But this project is to ARX Portugal, more than the resolution of a programme, the expression of a technique and the integration in a specific place. It is, essentially, a new form of architectural practice, based on creative response to a particular physical and social context. This project manifests itself in its own strategies and in the processes of architectural formalization, created by an opening to the world through an experienced interviewer on the subject of physical and dimensional scale model. The strength of the work of ARX Portugal lies precisely in this investigation of the potential of architectural design.

Curator Luís Santiago Baptista

ARX arquivo / archive is an exhibition focused on building an archive – an archive that grows by showing it up. Thus, it provides the experience of inhabiting this archive with its amazing forms of referencing and classification of the architectural process. That’s why there is the participation of Atlas – Cinema and Curiosities Cabinet.


CCB/Garagem Sul



213 612 614/5

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