Dates / Schedules
From 20 Februrary to 26 May 2019 Opening 19 February, at 7pm
Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 6pm
The exhibition will explore ‘A305: History of Architecture and Design, 1890-1939’, a televised, third-level Arts Course first aired in 1975 by the Open University, headquartered in Milton Keynes, UK. A key experiment in new forms of higher education within the architectural realm and an essential example to analyze the relationship between new media as a tool to transform the transmission of knowledge and its dissemination.
Curator Joaquim Moreno
The creation of the Open University and the A305 class will be archeologically studied as a privileged instance for the mobilization of new media environments for educational purposes and for the convergence of mass media and mass education. The project investigates the A305 Course as a pioneer and key case study in the ongoing development of media education and towards the idea of a globally shared culture today. This exhibition is developed in partnership with the Open University.
Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA)
213 612 614/5
Prices and Discounts
50% students
50% architects guild members
50% over 65 years old
Cartão Amigo CCB
Under 18 years old