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Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen Room
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Dates / Schedules

11 October 2022 7pm

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen room

Free admission regarding the room capacity Tickets will be available to collect at CCB ticket office from October 1st


The lecture will be dedicated to the concurrent exhibition Tendency and Fact in Carpintarias de São Lázaro. Appropriating a phrasing of Andre Leroi-Gourhan, it is dedicated to the interplay of city and prototype. As expressions of tendency and fact, city and prototype yield an understanding of architecture as device, constituted by both the material and the immaterial, the built and the non-built, the human and non-human. These relations are explored through architecture’s visible and invisible effects, eliciting a reflection on the entanglement of energy, material, and our modes of their perception.

Recent projects from the office as well as from the research studio at EPFL establish a constellation that questions the performativity of the built environment, its effects on us which we commonly consider not to be us. The exhibition is conceived as an attempt to find a new sensitivity of how we perceive and apprehend architecture and energy through an interplay of city and prototype, tendency and fact.

Adrien Verschuere
Studies in Architecture at ISA St-Luc Tournai, Belgium and at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland (diploma with Prof. E. Zenghelis in 1999). He was a design architect at Herzog & de Meuron, Basel between 2000 and 2003 and at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture – Rem Koolhaas, Rotterdam until 2001. Adrien Verschuere is the co-founder of the architecture firm Made in, Geneva, Switzerland.In 2010, he established BAUKUNST in Brussels and from 2017 in Lausanne. In 2019, BAUKUNST presented its first solo show at Bozar (Brussels), accompanied by a monograph publication (Ed. by Koenig Books) and at the Solo Galerie (Paris) in 2020.
From 2019, Adrien Verschuere is Visiting Professor at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.

Patron of CCB/Garagem Sul

Fundação Millenium bcp

CCB/Garagem Sul Partners

Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa
Livraria A+A
Ordem dos Arquitetos
Lisbon Architecture Triennale


CCB/Garagem Sul


garagemsul@ccb.pt or +351 213 612 614/5

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