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Architecture Centre / Garagem Sul
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Dates / Schedules

From 12 July to 15 October 2017 Opening 11 July, at 7pm

Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 6pm

With the new millennium, architectural photography has gained exponential prominence in the relationship that architects have with society. The FG+SG studio has taken on the challenges presented by the greater media impact of architecture, which today constitutes a photographic practice rewarded with international prizes and recognition. Fernando Guerra’s progressive affirmation as a photographer has accompanied contemporary architectural production and his photo reportages, disseminated worldwide through the virtual platform Últimas Reportagens, offer us a privileged look at today’s architecture. At the same time, his photographic practice responds to the technical evolution that has taken place in photography in recent decades, essentially marked by the full affirmation of the new digital media.

Curator Luís Santiago Baptista

This exhibition presents Fernando Guerra’s own distinctive work together with a cartography of the activity of the FG+SG studio, drawing upon its archive of images and highlighting its production processes. By showing his photographic work and the studio’s ways of doing things, Fernando Guerra’s practice is thus exhibited to us as if it had been submitted to an X-ray.


CCB/Garagem Sul



213 612 614/5

Prices and Discounts


50% students
50% architects guild members
50% over 65 years old

Cartão Amigo CCB
Under 18 years old

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