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Architecture Centre / Garagem Sul

At a time when architecture is recognised as a cornerstone of Portuguese culture, Architecture Centre / Garagem Sul enhances the Centro Cultural de Belém’s longstanding programme of architectural exhibitions, lectures, debates and publications. Housed in a former parking garage, the Architecture Centre’s large space offers a unique atmosphere for the presentation of architectural works and ideas. Since 2012, it has organised a regular programme of temporary exhibitions, either of the work of well-established architects or that explore other fields relevant to understanding architecture as a way of knowing how to transform the world. These exhibitions are mounted in partnership with other Portuguese and international institutions, putting Architecture Centre / Garagem Sul and Lisbon on the map as part of a global network of venues that present contemporary architecture.

Luís de Freitas Branco Room

This unique room is located on level 1, next to the reception area of the Conference Centre at the Centro Cultural de Belém. It is a medium-sized room, whose architecture and location make it one of the most distinctive rooms at the CCB. Its characteristics and equipment mean that it can be used for a wide variety of different events.

Almada Negreiros Room

This room is located on level 2 of the Conference Centre of the Centro Cultural de Belém and is a medium-sized room. It is equipped with two booths for simultaneous translation, a support room and all the audiovisual equipment necessary to ensure your meetings are a success. This room was renovated in the summer of 2018 and is now a multipurpose room.

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