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The 10:00am at 07:00pm

Dates / Schedules

The first Sunday of each month. 10:00am at 06:00pm

The CCB Market — Show, See and Do — takes place on the first Sunday of each month. From gastronomy to nature, from offers for children to contemporary crafts, we invite Portuguese brands and projects to show their work at the CCB. There will be workshops, show cookings and dance classes at the end of the day. We challenge the public to participate.



What can I find?


  • Activities
  • Classes
  • Workshops
  • Products: fashion and accessories, jewelry, nature, illustration, stationery, wellness, and contemporary crafts

I want to participate!

Who can participate?

  • If you have a brand or an activity that you want to promote, don’t hesitate to sign up. At CCB Market, we have space and an audience for you.

How do I apply?

  • Fill in the registration form, include images of your articles and projects, and we will contact you.

Participation conditions?

  • By participating, you are entitled to a table measuring 140x70cm with a cover and chair. All you have to do is bring your items and a raw white parasol. If you want a point of light, let us know!

Can I do an activity?

  • Yes, we want participants to interact with the public and showcase their projects and crafts. You can develop a workshop, class, or activity to present to the public. Please include this information in the form so we can get to know your idea.

We only have room for two activities a day at 11 am and 3 pm. One could be yours!


  • Summer hours: 10 am to 7 pm
  • Winter hours: 10 am to 6 pm


E-mail: mercadoccb@ccb.pt

Tel: (+351) 21 361 2400 (call to the landline network)

Dates 2024

• February 04
• March 03
• april 07
• May 05 – Special edition 
• June 02
• july 07
• September 01
• October 06
• November 03
• December 07 and 08 – (Christmas edition)



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