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Small Auditorium
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Dates / Schedules

August 27th and 28th 2021 07:00pm


This play has no beginning and no end. One person talks. Three people engage in dialogue. Infinite bodies engage in dialogue.

What form did you give to these dialogues? A brightly-coloured parachute. Do you consider yourself to be a form or an event? I feel that I have a form, but this has been constantly changing ever since I was conceived. The event of my life is the life of my form. What form were you born with? We are all born as spheres. But then our shapes become increasingly angular. Some, the squarest of us, become cubic. A cube is a military sphere. Why do things have shapes? Why are things agglomerations of matter that, when they reach the gravitational limit of their agglomeration, begin to take on “shapes”. So, without gravity, would there be no shapes? No, because there wouldn’t be any eyes. Why don’t clowns have any parents? Because there are too many egos inside just one clown. Who is it inside me that decides to dance me? Which is beyond your perception. Who is it outside me that decides to dance me? The Big Bang, the Sacred, darkness, eclipses and the fourth dimension. How do you reach the fourth dimension? Probably with a bodily vision of the universe.  Cosmic eroticism. I’m not very erotic… try fishing in other waters. In what’s out of reach. Whose reach? The human being’s… the artist’s… But mainly the spectator’s. Do you like riddles? Very much. Even when you can’t find any answers? Especially when I can’t find any answers. Why? I’ve got great sleight of hand. A magician? More or less. A magician without any accessories. And, even so, you can pull rabbits out of a hat? Metaphorical rabbits, yes. And besides rabbits? The gesture. The body. Smoke. [suspension] If we think of space as solid, bodies are like gaps in that space. Who said that? Me. And Tony Smith. And many other people who also conversed with Tony Smith. With me, you mean. Yes, with you, Tony Smith. What’s your name? Tony Smith. Why do you go round in circles? Because clowns live in a circle. What is an idea? It’s a preconception. What is an idea? It’s a preconception. What is an idea? A provisional outline. What is an idea? A place where time is suspended and expanding. Like the Big Bang. And this play, what is it about? About you. About me. About delaying the end of the world.


Maiores de 6 annos

Data sheet

Conception and artistic direction Henrique Furtado Vieira
Performance and co-creation Catarina Vieira, Leonor Mendes, Sérgio Diogo Matias
Light design, technical direction and scenic space Hugo Coelho – Aldeia da Luz
Sound Design João Bento
Costumes Rita Álvares Pereira
Costume assistant Ana Sofia Vicente
Outside look Joclécio Azevedo
Coordination and production Cátia Mateus


Administration Vítor Alves Brotas | Agency 25
Co-production CCB, Agência 25
Coproduction residence O Espaço do Tempo
Residences and support Forum Dança, O Rumo do Fumo, Pro.dança, Lisbon City Hall / Polo Cultural Gaivotas | Good view
Acknowledgments Marta Ramos, Sofia Dias, Vítor Roriz

Project funded by the Portuguese Republic – Culture | Directorate-General for the Arts

CCB/Agência 25

Prices and Discounts


Discounts are only valid in CCB Production and / or Coproduction shows and for tickets with a price of more than € 12, except for the CCB card holders, the discount is applied in amounts higher than € 8.
20% for those aged under 25 and over 65 (anywhere in the hall, except the front stalls)
10% for holders of the FNAC card (valid in the Main Auditorium and Small Auditorium, for tickets purchased at sales points)
25% for customers of CP, after the checking of the CP tickets (for tickets purchased at sales points)

50% for unemployed persons, on presentation of official proof from IEFP (valid in the Main Auditorium and Small Auditorium, for tickets purchased at sales points)
30% for last minute tickets, Half an hour before the start, on the day of the actual performance
€5 for professionals/students involved in the production of the show or performance, students (this discount only applies to performances produced by the CCB and purchased at the CCB Box Office, and there are only a limited number of tickets available)
30% Discount for holders of the CCB Friend’s Card

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