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Small Auditorium
45 minutes
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Dates / Schedules

22 october 12:00 and 15:00

23 october 12:45 and 16:00

Other Music

We are artists on the road. We do this with pleasure and passion, despite the difficulties that this implies. Our life involves travelling, arriving, playing and leaving. We no longer remember what our life would be like without it, without the road that takes us away and brings us back.

The road is a place that only exists in our own experience of it. It changes from one country to another, changing languages and customs. What matters is that, one way or another, it always continues to take us into the unknown. Otherwise, it would make no sense. The road lies between reality and dreams. It is the place of possibilities, but also the place of our fears.

This is the place we want to talk about, the place that we want to bring to the stage. For all childhoods.


+6 years old

Data sheet

Based on an idea by

Jenna Thiam and Salvador Sobral



Salvador Sobral

Javier Galiana

Jenna Thiam



Salvador Sobral

Javier Galiana


Staging Assistant

Mariana Norton


Artistic Collaboration

Caroline Bergeron


Support to Dramaturgy

Solène Souriau



Hugo Manso


Lighting Design

Nuno Figueira



João Tereso



Juan Daniel

CCB/Fábrica das Artes

Prices and Discounts


Big Bang Festival

Co-financed by the Creative Europe Programme by the European Union

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