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Small Auditorium
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Dates / Schedules

Saturday, September 14th 2024 07:00pm

Sunday, September 15th 2024 05:00pm


The play After the Silence by Christiane Jatahy links industrial slavery to the present, highlighting its geopolitical impact on the lives of millions. Based on Torto Arado by Itamar Vieira Junior and the documentary Twenty Years Later by Eduardo Coutinho, the work addresses repeated horrors in current Brazil, connecting past and present. It is the third part of the horror trilogy.


+ 12 years

Data sheet

After the Silence
by Christiane Jatahy
Text based on the book Torto arado by Itamar Vieira Junior published by LeYa.


Creation and dramaturgy Christiane Jatahy

Artistic cooperation, set design and light design Thomas Walgrave

Photography and camera Pedro Faerstein

Original music Vitor Araujo and Aduni Guedes

Sound design and mixing Pedro Vituri

Film editing Mari Becker and Paulo Camacho

Direct sound João Zula

Costumes Preta Marques

Text collaboration Gal Pereira, Juliana França, Lian Gaia e Tatiana Salem Levy

Interlocutor Ana Maria Gonçalves

Video system Julio Parente

Body preparation Dani Lima

Assistant director Caju Bezerra

Camera assistance Suelen Menezes

Stage management Diogo Magalhães

Light operation Leandro Barreto

Video operation Alan de Souza

Tour manager Claudia Marques

Administration Claudia Petagna

Production and tour manager Henrique Mariano


Gal Pereira, Juliana França, Lian Gaia, Caju Bezerra and Aduni Guedes (live music)

Film with residents of Remanso and Iúna – Chapada Diamantina/ Bahia/ Brazil.


References to and images from Twenty Years Later by Eduardo Coutinho, produced by Mapa Filmes.


Production Cia Vertice – Axis productions

Co-production Schauspielhaus Zürich, CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe – Paris, Wiener Festwochen, Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa, Arts Emerson – Boston, Riksteatern-Sweden, Théâtre Dijon-Bourgogne CDN, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Théâtre populaire romand – Centre neuchâtelois de arts vivants La Chaux-de-fonds, DeSingel – Antwerp, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm – Frankfurt am Main GmbH, Temporada Alta Festival, Centro Dramatico National – Madrid.

Christiane Jatahy is an associate artist of the CENTQUATRE-PARIS, à l’Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe, Schauspielhaus Zürich, Arts Emerson Boston and Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa.

Cie Vertice – Axis Productions is supported by Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d’Île-de-France – Ministère de la Culture France.


Tour supported by CENTQUATRE on the road.


Photo (c) Thomas Walgrave

Prices and Discounts

Note: -


DISCOUNTS are only valid for CCB production and/or co-production shows and for tickets with a price above €12, with the exception of CCB cardholders, the discount is applied to values ​​above €8.

50 % people with specific needs and accompanying person
50% for Arts and culture professionals and students (this discount only applies to the Main and Small Auditorium in CCB Production shows.
50% for unemployed


30% for CCB Card’s holders (individual, Senior, Youth and Family)
20% for people over 65 / for under 30s / students / for groups of more than 20 people

Tickets at €5 for Artistic Schools



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